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Affordable, simple documents

for your business

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$75 plus GST

A great basic code of conduct for your restaurant or cafe business that your employees will read and understand.

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$75 plus GST

A one-page, straight-forward, no-nonsense policy on employee dress and presentation standards.

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$75 plus GST

A great basic code of conduct for your retail business that your employees will read and understand.

$125 plus GST

Does your business have registrations on the PPSR that need to be removed? 

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$75 plus GST

Put a straight-forward policy in place that your employees can read and follow.

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$75 plus GST

Protect your business and your staff with our straight-forward policy.

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$99  plus GST

Chasing payment? Send the right message with a formal letter of demand, without throwing good money after bad.


$220 plus GST

Negotiate and undertake due diligence while protecting your confidential information.

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